Numerical values of Hebrew letters
Numerical values of Hebrew letters
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ゲストIn conclusion, our exercise has evidenced that some striking relationships can be “extracted” from the integer 1737, intended to be the number of weeks of Jesus’ lifespan found in Maria Valtorta’s mystical literary works. We have also shown that to obtain “exactly” 2 (with the approximation implicit in using Napier’s number “e”), it suffices to add only 4.5 hours to 1737 × 7 × 24 hours. These 4.5 hours can be interpreted as the time necessary to complete the day of Jesus’ death (23 April 34) and also to complete the day of Jesus’ birth, therefore estimating his birth time. Besides the decoding proposed above, which uses sums, it is also possible to use non-linear functions to extract from the integer 1737 other meanings related to Jesus Christ, as we show in the next section. In Azariah, Maria Valtorta’s guardian angel Azariah dictates her theological and spiritual comments on the readings of 58 holiday masses. In Lezioni sull’epistola di Paolo ai Romani, a Holy Author dictates her 48 lessons on the Epistle to the Romans. Maria Valtorta, bedridden since 1934 because paralized below the waist, writes on a small stand, sitting on her bed with shoulders supported by pillows in Viareggio (Tuscany), during World War II and the few following years. In the event you adored this post and you wish to receive more information about webpage i implore you to stop by our web site. In Valtorta’s house there was a library with miscellaneous texts but it had been locked by Maria’s mother in 1934 and remained so until her death on 4 October 1943. However, in this library there were no books on Palestine that, just in case, Maria Valtorta could consult (Valtorta, 2021). The literature on Gematria and the possible “decoding” of all words, phrases and sentences contained in the Jewish Bible is immense and it is not the purpose of this paper to attempt a review. In ancient times, this coding was widespread, used also by the Babylonians and the Gnostics of the early Christian era. It appears in the Magi literature and in the literature of interpreters of dreams in Hellenistic Greece. Very likely, we find traces of its use even in the Renaissance, in the painting of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling (De Campos & Da Costa Oliveira, 2018). The purpose of Gematria is to obtain a deeper understanding of the texts of the Jewish Bible.
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