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    But Feder disappointingly does not get into the math of how gematrias work or how the simple gematrias of today are mathematically meaningless. Gematria Refigured presents the discoveries that led to the author’s transformation from a gematria skeptic to a gematria lover. It develops a theory which elucidates how the Torah and the sages use gematria to direct us toward a very specific type of idea. Through its many examples, this work illustrates how gematria can help us uncover novel insights, while providing interesting and clearly formulated perspectives into many mitzvot, themes, and stories in the Tanach. Today, gematria is still studied by those interested in exploring its mystical aspects as well as its practical applications in mathematics and cryptography. Gematria numbers are also used for numerology and divination purposes and even for finding hidden messages within text. Regardless of how it’s used, though, gematria remains an intriguing part of our cultural heritage that continues to capture people’s imaginations today. An example of gematria is the word Hebrew word chai (חי), which means alive. Using gematria, it can be uncovered that the word chai has a numerical value of 18 in the Mispar Gadol variation. Because of the numerical value of the word in gematria, 18 has become a lucky number for many Jewish people. Here you have options to search through any number of the books in Tanach. In order to select specific books, change to “Selected Only” and then you will have options to “Deselect all”, “Select All”, or enable your choice of books. This is where you select your options and receive basic information about your search. The text at the top tells you the status of the program (for example- “Loading”), while the options allow you to change how the search operates (for example- “Gematria” or “Text”).

    The kabbalist Moses Cordovero of Safed, Israel, in 1542 compiled a handbook called Pardes Rimonim (Garden of the Pomegranates), which includes many sections that expound on and elaborate previous systems of gematria. Although a type of gematria system (‘Aru’) was employed by the ancient Babylonian culture, their writing script was logographic, and the numerical assignments they made were to whole words. The value of these words were assigned in an entirely arbitrary manner and correspondences were made through tables,[2] and so cannot be considered a true form of gematria. Aru was very different from the gematria systems used by Hebrew and Greek cultures, which used alphabetic writing scripts. Similar systems have been used in other languages and cultures derived from or inspired by Hebrew gematria; Arabic abjad numerals, and English gematria. There is currently no academic consensus over whether Hebrew gematria or Greek isopsephy was used first. You can find the Full Reduction Gematria in the form of English alphabets.You are given the corresponding numerical values to the first nine words of English alphabets. We are repeating the numeric values to the next nine words, and you would have noticed the value so the English word “z” is “8”. Gematria is an alphanumeric code where letters and words in the Hebrew alphabet are assigned numbers, values, or calculations. It is commonly used in Jewish culture to understand text, particularly within the Torah, on a deeper and more spiritual level. Similar to how different systems of gematria reveal deeper levels of understanding Torah and its hidden structures, there are along with the normative alphabet other alternative Kabbalistic alphabets that serves the same function. Through a logical sequence of exchanging letters these alphabets reveal inner dimensions of Torah not readily perceived. In all these different systems of gematria, novel and original meanings hidden in the words of the Torah are thus revealed. As in all matters of Torah these insights must conform to Jewish tradition and cannot be used to contradict or challenge Jewish law.

    Agrippa gave value to the English letters without trying to transliterate them from Hebrew or Greek, so L is 20, rather than 30 (for Lamed), M is 30, rather than 40 (for Mem) and N is 40, rather than 50 (for Nun). This cipher is sometimes erroneously labelled as “Jewish” or “Hebrew” by popular numerology calculators, such as Gematrix. Gematria has been used by many religious and mystical traditions over the centuries, including kabbalists, astrologers, magicians, and alchemists. Its use was particularly important in Jewish mysticism where it was believed that certain words possess special power when they are composed with specific gematria numbers. Words with powerful gematria values were thought to have magical properties that could bring about specific results or provide protection against evil forces. This is one of the devices used in Kabbalah to explore deeper dimensions of Hebrew words. The great Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Luria used this method extensively to reveal hidden meanings in the Torah text. Another form of gematria, termed the reduced value system, is based on the decimal system, where every letter of ten and above reduces to one digit, its numerical lowest common denominator. The fact that mathematics itself is based on the decimal system of ten is of course extremely important. The number ten is highly symbolic and significant in Torah and appears in virtually all manifestations of Jewish tradition.

    The Albam system is similar to Atbash but in this structure of exchanging letters the alphabet is divided in half, eleven letters in each section. The first letter of the first series is exchanged for the first letter of the second series, the second letter of the first series for the second letter of the second series and so forth. Despite Naḥmanides’ attempt to limit its use, gematria found its way into the biblical commentary. The Pane’aḥ Raza by Isaac ben Judah ha-Levi (late 13th century) and Ba’al ha-Turim by Jacob ben Asher (c. 1270 to 1340) both make frequent use of gematria. For example, the 17th-century work, Megalleh Amukkot, by Nathan Nata ben Solomon Spira, uses gematria extensively. The followers of Shabbetai Zevi used gematria as proof of his messianism. Feder writes how it has a limited, yet meaningful use in a few exceptional cases. And rather than their being simplistic, he uses them to develop meaningful Torah thoughts. Finally there is English Gematria which assigns a numerical value based on the English alphabet (1-26). Again this system can be applied just like any other type of Gematria but produces different results due to its unique numbering system.

    Many thanks to David Komer, an Ohr Chadash alumnus, whose skill, ingenuity and persistence created this wonderful program. The possibilities are nearly infinite and thanks to computer technology the ability to see graphically and instantaneously these “dots” are truly a wonder. Making the connections ourselves opens up a whole new level of understanding. The Talmud and Rashi also use this technique of learning on occasion in order to point out a cogent idea, and it has been used as well by a wide range of commentators throughout the ages. In as much as Kabbalah seeks to make known the oneness of God and the interconnectedness of all reality, gematria assumes a major role in revealing this through the Torah text. Many Jews that believe one must be of stable mind to partake in the study of gematria, so as to not go fanatical. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. (3) ‘שמנה עשר וגו THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN — Our Rabbis said, “It was Eliezer alone whom he armed and it (318) is the numerical value of his name” (Nedarim 32a). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn employed a transliterated version of the Standard Hebrew Cipher (Mispar Hechrechi), using digraphs to represent letters such as shin ש (Sh), tav ת (Th), and tsade צ (Ts or Tz). Where x is the position of the letter in the language letters index (regular order of letters), and the floor and modulo functions are used. Neither do any of the documents found from the Bar-Kochba revolt circa 150 CE.

    The fourth method, Mispar Katan Mispari, integral reduced value, reduces the total value of the word to a single-digit number. If the sum exceeds nine, then the integer values of the total are added together again and again until a single-digit number is received. For example, the word, ḥesed (lovingkindness) has an absolute or normative value of 72. The numbers of the sum of 72 are then added together (7 plus 2) to equal 9. It should be pointed out that the integral reduced value of the ordinal value and the reduced value of ḥesed also add up to 9. A third type of gematria is known as ‘Ordinal’ gematria; this assigns a numerical value to each letter according to its place in the alphabet rather than its individual value. This system can be applied just like Hebrew or Greek gematria but produces different results due to its unique numbering system. To use the calculator above, simply enter the word or phrase you want to calculate. The calculator will then calculate and display the English simple gematira value and the English Jewish gematria value. The first numerical cipher that is known to be assigned to the English Alphabet was by Cornelius Agrippa in 1533, in his work De Occulta Philosopha.

    Just type the words, letters, or name you want to the input above to see the Gematria value. However, the most common use of gematria is to obtain a more spiritual understanding of a religious text. The exact meaning drawn from gematria depends on a person’s individual beliefs. In case you liked this article along with you desire to be given more information regarding gematria calc ( kindly check out the web site. An ancient version of gematria was a fully developed mathematical system that used words to reveal sums that they intended future readers to discover. In cabalistic literature the use of gemaṭria has been greatly extended, and its forms have been developed in many directions. For more explanation of what the different alphabet, gematria, and milui options mean, refer to the section on Useful Information about Gematria and Alternative Alphabets for more information. Unlike other options, changing these does not require re-running the search, and you will see the change immediately. Throughout history, some people have believed that the Torah contains secrets that can be revealed by gematria and used to predict historical events. This belief continues to this day, and was popularized by Michael Drasin’s best-selling (and much criticized) The Bible Code, published in 1997. Some Hasidic communities that are steeped in the study of kabbalistic literature believe that the Torah, as read through the lens of gematria, contains clues to current events. The term “gematria” comes from the Greek “geometria,” and the concept can be found in the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato. In rabbinic literature it first appears in the Baraita of the Thirty-two Rules, by Rabbi Eliezer in 200 CE. This text, which no longer exists except in references, elaborated 32 rules for interpreting the Bible. While gematria was used periodically in the Talmud and Midrash, it was not central to rabbinic literature.

    When using Milui, the gematria of these “fuller” spellings is what reveals the deeper dimensions. This whole Kabbalistic device can be compared to putting an object under a microscope. Each power of magnification reveals new details and dimensions of the object. In the following chart read from right to left, the letter on the top line is exchanged for the letter appearing right below it. The Atbash system is based on exchanging the first letter of the alphabet for the last letter, the second letter for the second last letter and so forth. These are but a few of the many references to the connection between the beginning and the end. Similar to how a physicist or chemist would describe the world as consisting of atoms, particles, molecules and elements, the Jewish tradition describes this same function to the Hebrew letters. Although the language of science and Torah are different they are both describing the same reality. Numerous contemporary Jewish books have been published about gematria as well as assisting the reader to find his own gematria equivalencies. For instance, one such book, Sefer Gematrikon (Jerusalem, 1990) provides gematria equivalents for the numbers 1 to 1,000. Gematria is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts. Of the 15 gematrias he expounds on beautifully, six are from Beresheet, three from Shmot, and two each, respectively, from Bamidbar, Devarim, and Megilat Esther. As noted, Feder uses gematria as a springboard for a deep Torah insight, not the reason for the insight itself. Pricing works as yearly licence subscriptions with a 2-months trial and is segmented per pod or project team of 3-5 people. There is no price segmentation per market as our signals are not directly market-specific but are rather entity-specific, and a given entity often impacts different markets.

    The more one learns and is familiar with Torah the greater the insight born from the use of gematria. Along with the absolute value of the letters, the order of the letter in the progressive unfolding of the twenty-two letters also has great significance in Kabbalah. This is termed the ordinal value system where each letter is assigned a number from one to twenty-two (and in some cases to twenty-seven, when the final letters are considered on their own). Many of the Psalms, Shabbat songs and liturgical poetry used throughout the year are based on the progressive and orderly unfolding of the Hebrew alphabet. When the letters of a word are permutated they form other words that are intrinsically connected. An entire book, the Tikunei Zohar, explains the many permutations of the six letters of the first word of the Torah, bereishit, “in the beginning.” In doing so it reveals a profound understanding of the creation and the Divine creative process. This technique of permuting letters plays an important role in Kabbalistic wisdom. Alternative alphabets are similarly based on exchanging letters in an orderly manner, revealing deeper and more hidden aspects of the Torah. Here is a basic introduction to Gematria that discusses different systems for identifying the numerical equivalence of individual letters, how these letters can be calculated according to the implicit word-value of their names. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalence of letters, words, or phrases, and, on that basis, gaining, insight into interrelation of different concepts and exploring the interrelationship between words and ideas. What is unique about Gematria is that the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet are interpreted in terms of their numerical equivalence, or other symbolic meanings/interpretations. The Hebrew Gematria is the oldest known Gematria, and you should have a separate Hebrew gematria calculator to find the values in the Hebrew Gematria. The Gematria Hebrew is specific and there is no regularity of the numeric except for the first 5 numbers of the English alphabets.

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