Definitions: Military Time
Definitions: Military Time
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ゲストJ Time, or Juliet Time, does not refer to a particular time zone but can be used to denote the local time of the person stating the time. Converting military time to the 12-hour format is simple for the first half of the day, from 1 am to 12 pm, as the numbers are the same in both systems. The only difference is that the 24-hour format adds a leading zero to single-digit numbers. The 24-hour clock is primarily used in the non-english speaking countries in Europe, Lation America, Asia and Africa. Most English speaking countries expect The United States usually switches back and forth between 12-hour and 24-hour time because neither have been established as the standard. Although the 24 hour clock is well established, the world and communication is constantly changing and who knows what the changing global community will need next. To convert military time back to civilian time, simply subtract 12 from any numbers after noon (1200). In standard time, the 12-hour clock runs from 12 AM midnight to 12 PM noon, and repeats another 12 hour cycle to the midnight hour of that day. After noon (1200 hours), to translate the regular time in the afternoon and evening, you simply add 12 hours to be within military standards. The military divided the world into 24 time zones and utilizes the phonetic alphabet to identify each time zone. For converting military time to standard time, input the military time, excluding a colon.
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